Sureway provides employment support through Disability Employment Services in Albury. Empowering you to re-enter the workforce and embark on a fulfilling career.
Looking for employment support in Albury?
556B Hume St, Albury NSW 2640, Australia
DES: Monday – Friday
CTA: Monday – Friday
Hours of Operation:
DES: 9:00am – 5:00pm
CTA: As required
1300SUREWAY (1300 787 392)
At Sureway, we seek to understand your needs and provide you with the best opportunity to find employment. We provide an individualised experience to all Disability Employment Services’ clients that focuses on assisting you to find and maintain employment.
Sureway understands securing sustainable employment delivers independence and a sense of belonging in the community. If you are looking for work, we can find jobs that are a good fit for you.
Career Transition Assistance (CTA) is an Australian Government initiative to assist mature age PARTICIPANTS build skills and confidence to become more competitive in the modern labour market.
Enquire For A Free Consultation
Fill in your details below, along with a short description of your employment goals and current situation, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Sureway commenced operations as a training provider in 1991. We worked with business and industry to upskill their staff. This opportunity gave us insight into what skillsets employers were seeking from their employees. read more...